When you purchase a physical copy of Born To Prosper you will also receive : Free access to your Born To Prosper online seminar Session 1:PROSPEROUS PRINCIPLES COURSE
Your Born To Prosper book will take you on a life changing journey of discovering:
-The Two Laws God hinged His creation upon.
-How to establish a prosperous mindset.
-How to establish and grow your faith.
-How to bring order in your finances and set budgets.
-Understanding your purpose in and through the local church.
-How to increase your value in life
…..and much more
Ashley (verified owner) –
The book did not disappoint at all, it is well written and easily applicable. I love the fact that every sentence is like a principle that you can immediately start to apply in your life, so overall an efficient use of words.
The chapters are well structured and I could follow the progression of the teaching on various principles to how they apply to the greater purpose to which God has called us to live on this Earth. Along with the podcast, this book has been valuable to my mindset on prosperity and I would recommend it to anyone.
My favorite quote from the book is: “The value of your voice will determine the value of your invoice”.